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Better Communication

Clean effectively

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What is Chorely?

Chorely is a cleaning app that
aids employers and their Indonesian domestic workers complete their duties efficiently. This app helps reduce communication issues that may take place.


In short, Chorely makes creating chores and keeping up-to-date with your worker’s progress easy and efficient. The employer creates his/her’s chores and the domestic worker will see it updated on her side.

While Chorely helps communication issues regarding household duties, the best way to form a good bond is to converse with your domestic worker in person.

This app benefits you, the employer and

your Indonesian domestic worker.

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More specifically. . .

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Young, married couples with little experience in having a domestic worker

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New Indo domestic workers coming to Singapore or going to a new household

Any employer facing communication issues with their domestic worker

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First info
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Chorely offers features such as

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View your schedule from a wider glance with calendar.

Progress Tracker

Track your worker’s daily chore progress and see if she has any feedback regarding the task. 

Chat room

An chatroom between you

and your domestic worker for urgent purposes.

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House Rules


Useful Contacts

View your schedule from a wider glance with calendar.

Track your worker’s daily chore progress and see if she has any feedback regarding the task. 

Both workers and employers
can find important resources,

such as NGOs, around SG


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English to Bahasa Translation 

Chorely helps alleviate language barrier issues by having your worker’s platform in Bahasa Indonesia. When you create your chore schedule, Chorely will automatically translate it to Bahasa wherever possible to allow better understanding.

Mandatory one hour breaks

Chorely included a mandatory one hour break daily for your worker to have. This is to ensure that your worker has time each day to take a break.

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Add photo or video of the task

Chorely input an option for you to add in your own photo or video of how you want your chore done. This allows for further specificity and customization.

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Easy to use interface

We’ve designed the app to make it as specific and customisable as possible while making sure it’s easy to navigate for you and your worker.

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